
How do I get advice about my disease and its treatment? KA-03345

The U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) does not provide specific medical advice. We cannot respond to questions about individual medical cases, provide second opinions, or make specific recommendations regarding therapy. You should consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your personal questions. 

NLM offers MedlinePlus to provide consumers with information so that they can better understand their diagnosed disease. MedlinePlus contains information about diseases, conditions, treatments, and prescription and nonprescription drugs. It presents health and wellness issues in easy-to-understand language and augments its information with a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary.  MedlinePlus is also available in Spanish.

In addition to the consumer-oriented resources, you are also welcome to search other NLM/NCBI literature databases that are primarily intended for researchers and health-care professionals, such as the PubMed Central® (PMC) database.  PMC is a free archive of scientific articles published in biomedical and life sciences journals.  Note that we are unable to comment on or interpret the contents of individual PMC articles.