
How can I see more than 100 matching sequences in my BLAST search results? KA-03485

In web BLAST, your search result will display up to 100 matching sequences. This is a default setting.

If you need to see more sequences in your search results, you can increase the number before the search as follows:

  • On the BLAST search page navigate to-  and open the +Algorithm parameters section.
  • Under General Parameters, use the Max target sequences pull-down menu.
  • Select the number of sequences you want to display in your search results.

Are you guaranteed to obtain the maximum number of sequences that you selected?

No. The actual number of matching sequences in your result will still depend on factors such as:
  • abundance of matches in the target database
  • any organism limit that you might use
  • search stringency
If you do not get many hits, you can try relaxing your search by:


Where can you learn more?

BLAST documentation: