
What information will I be able to find in the Genetic Testing Registry (GTR)? KA-03580

Genetic Testing Registry® (GTR) is one of the three NCBI databases that are intended for healthcare professionals and researchers who are focusing on genetic disease. GTR contains information on genetic tests offered by laboratories from across the world that they have voluntarily registered in GTR. Search GTR to:

  • find tests for a specific condition or drug response
  • find tests for a gene, combination of genes, or other targets using the home page search box or the Advanced search for tests
  • find ordering information for tests
  • quickly access a defined group of tests (such as whole exome tests) or All GTR data by using the Find GTR Content section on the GTR home page
  • find gene panels or chromosomal arrays based on how many targets are tested, using the Advanced search for tests
  • Filter the listing of the retrieved tests based on their type, purpose, method, or service. Additionally, filter for lab certification, specimen type, and lab location
  • access information for the test(s) of your interest, such as analytical validity, clinical validity, and clinical utility
  • access information on laboratories that perform the tests of your interest
  • download GTR data and reports to analyze the genetic testing industry using links on the home page under GTR data
  • link to the related information in MedGen and ClinVar
  • access several related literature- and/or clinical resources: