
Where can I get information on drug screening and workplace drug screening tests? KA-04413

Drug Screening

For general information on drug screening and workplace drug screening tests, we suggest the following resources:

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False Positive Results

To find citations to published articles about false positives in drug testing, you can search PubMed®. Please note: PubMed does not contain whole articles, just citations and abstracts, with some links to full-text on publisher Web sites.

To search PubMed®, enter the following into the PubMed search box:

  • Substance Abuse Detection [mh] AND False Positive Reactions[mh] AND English[la].
  • Add "AND" followed by a specific drug name for more focused results.
  • PubMed tutorials are available for more search suggestions.

We also encourage you to talk with your pharmacist or health provider about a false positive result of a specific medication, food, or drink in a drug screening test.