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Comments (3)
  • I have been suffering from severe peripheral neuropathy (most recently diagnosed by NYC Hospital for Special Surgery) for about 5 years: feet to thighs. Tried several prescribed meds, little if any help. Otherwise relatively healthy. I am accessible to the NYC area and would like to explore opportunities to join a test group.
  • I have had a few surgeries on my lower back from laminectomy to posterior and frontier fusions. I  have my left leg numb all the ways to my toes. My discs are deteriorating. The last time I had an MRI done I had bugging discs in my upper back now. all  my previous surgeries have been in my lower back. I am relatively healthy with the exception of my cholesterol being a tad high. I had a 1/2 lung removed back  in 1984 from a motorcycle accident. I would love to do a study for something that might help my back with either the pain, numbness or cramps I get.

    Thank you,
    Tiffany Winters
    29 West Buddy St.
    Barberton, OH 44203
  • my head shakes, my DR. calls it essential tremor, so I was given Propanalol
    tablets, after about 6 months taking it my voice started sounding with a tremor
    the dosage of the tablets increased, now my voice is so bad, I can hardly be understood in conversation
    so I had a couple of botox shots which is not very pleasant  for about
    3 weeks,.. then it seems to clear up just enough for me to talk clearly for approx a month. and it goes back to normal. where no one understands me.
    If there is any other help out there I am willing to try.