Here are a few of the major sources of health and medical statistics:
US Health Statistics Sources
- Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) for Health Care Utilization (HCUP) and Medical Expenditures (MEPS)
- CDC National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for US health statistics, including community health status indicators.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for spending, enrollment and claims data.
- FedStats links to statistical information from over 100 federal agencies and programs, including the US Census bureau for population-related statistics.
- NIH Institutes and Offices for disease specific statistical information starting points.
- NLM MedlinePlus Health Statistics topic page for links to selected health statistics sources; MedlinePlus Health topic pages for links to disease-specific statistics sources.
- NLM National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR):
- Finding and Using Health Statistics for a self-study course on the subject.
- US Census Bureau for vital health and other statistics.
- Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (IIF) for annual reports on workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatal injuries.
International Health Statistics Sources
- World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Observatory (GHO) for data, tools, analysis and reports by country or health topic.
- United Nations UNdata and Statistical Databases for links to Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Indicators and other international sources of data.
- Pan American Health Organization for Regional Core Data and other international statistical information.
- EU Health Statistical Reports for reports from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.
- UK National Statistics for data from United Kingdom by topic or department for statistical release announcements.
Hospital and Health Facilities Statistics
- American Hospital Association. National organization representing hospitals and health care networks. Hospital Statistics is used to compare and analyze trends in US hospitals. AHA publishes the AHA Guide to the health care field, which includes data for each hospital, organized by city and state. AHA publications are available for purchase.
- American Hospital Directory. Louisville (KY): American Hospital Directory; 2000- . Contains some free hospital profiles, and state and national hospital statistics. More detailed statistics require a subscription.
- National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) Publications and Reports, National Center for Health Statistics, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Conducts surveys on inpatient and outpatient care.