You can find information about US and international grants and funding at:
- National Library of Medicine
- The National Institutes of Health
- NIH Foreign Grants Information
- The Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences
NIH Reports, Data, and Analyses (RePORT) - Reports, data and analyses of NIH research & development activities
RePORTER (formerly the CRISP database) is a part of RePORT.
- Provides links to all US government Web sites
Includes international funding - The Foundation Center
Libraries across the US subscribe to Foundation Center resources.
Fulbright Scholar Global Programs - Council for International Exchange of Scholars
To see how NIH supports research with grants, see the NIH Budget page
Examples of resources you may find at your local public, hospital or university libraries are:
- Annual Register of Grant Support
- Directory of Biomedical and Health Care Grants
- The Foundation Directory
- The Grants Register
These resources may include information about a grant funding source’s financial disclosures, board members and
awarding ranges. They also include state and local grant funding opportunities.