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The following reference was definitely published but has not been updated in PubMed:
Tatour Y, Sanchez-Navarro I, Chervinsky E, Hakonarson H, Gawi H, Tahsin-Swafiri S, Leibu R, Lopez-Molina MI, Fernandez-Sanz G, Ayuso C, Ben-Yosef T. Mutations in SCAPER cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa with intellectual disability. J Med Genet. 2017 Aug 9. pii: jmedgenet-2017-104632. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2017-104632. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2017-104632. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28794130
The correct reference is J Med Genet 2017;54:698–704
Dr Rodolfo Maduri, fist author of the paper and corresponding author
Ruptured posterior circulation aneurysms: epidemiology, patterns of care, and outcomes from the Swiss SOS national registry.
Maduri R, Starnoni D, Rocca A, Bervini D, Zumofen DW, Stienen MN, Schatlo B, Fung C, Robert T, Seule MA, Burkhardt JK, Maldaner N, Rothlisberger M, Blackham KA, Marbacher S, D'Alonzo D, Remonda L, Machi P, Gralla J, Bijlenga P, Saliou G, Ballabeni P, Levivier M, Messerer M, Thomas DR; Swiss SOS Group.
Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2019 Jan 25. doi: 10.1007/s00701-019-03812-9. [Epub ahead of print]
The correct reference would be:
Ruptured posterior circulation aneurysms: epidemiology, patterns of care, and outcomes from the Swiss SOS national registry.
Maduri R, Starnoni D, Rocca A, Bervini D, Zumofen DW, Stienen MN, Schatlo B, Fung C, Robert T, Seule MA, Burkhardt JK, Maldaner N, Rothlisberger M, Blackham KA, Marbacher S, D'Alonzo D, Remonda L, Machi P, Gralla J, Bijlenga P, Saliou G, Ballabeni P, Levivier M, Messerer M, Daniel RT; Swiss SOS Group.
I have notice that pubmed has listed two of my publication with the incorrect name ( and ( My name official name is "C. Alexander Valencia" and should appear in pubmed as "Valencia CA", however, it appears as "Alexander Valencia C". Please correct this error.
C. Alexander Valencia
J Cell Physiol. 2018 Jan;234(1):849-859.
Title:Senescence and odontoblastic differentiation of dental pulp cells.
Error in this paper is as follows,
incorrect : 2018
correct: 2019
Please correst it.
Thank you.