1. PMIDs: Use this method when you have one or more "PubMed Unique IDs" (PMIDs) for articles being requested.
- Article citation and Journal information are automatically filled in by the system
- PMID requests have enough journal information to be automatically matched to lenders in Borrowers' Automated Routing Table
2. Journal Unique ID: Use this method if you do not have PMID(s), but know the Journal Title, ISSN, OCLC Number, or NLM Unique ID (NLMUI)
- Can be initiated from Journals Search results (Journal Holdings view) as well as from Borrow menu
- Journal information is automatically filled in so that requests have enough information to be automatically matched to lenders in Borrowers' Automated Routing Table
- Article citation input by Borrower
3. Manual Request: Only use this method to request articles from Journals not in NLM's catalog, or for book loans or chapters. These requests:
- Cannot be matched to Lender holdings
- Will route sequentially through the Lenders in the Manual (M/A/N) Routing Table (Monographs, Audio/visuals, Not in catalog)
- May Route to NLM (if selected)