- DOCLINE matches requests to Lenders based on the borrower's Routing choices, the material being requested, and user selections made during borrowing, as well as Lender status and service offerings.
- Different ordering methods have different Routing options.
Regardless of ordering method and routing options, potential lenders must match multiple factors to be considered valid for requests. See "How does routing work" Support Center Article for more information.
Routing options: PMID and Journal UI Requests
The Routing Algorithm processes routing options (if selected by Borrower) in the order they appear on the request form.
- Direct to Library (routes regardless of lender holdings)
- One Lender only
- Use sparingly
- Borrower should check lender holdings before choosing this option
- Automated Routing Cells
- Rely on this option for the speediest and most cost-efficient routing
- Keep Routing Table up to date with best lending partners and library groups
- Lender search begins in the lowest numbered cells
- To NLM (routes to NLM regardless of holdings)
- NLM should be considered the "library of last resort" and selected only if other routing options have been exhausted
- To All Other Libraries
- Routing Algorithm checks all libraries not evaluated by prior routing options.
Routing options: Manual ordering
- Manual (M/A/N)
- For book and book chapter requests
- For article requests with no matching DOCLINE journal (Borrowers should search DOCLINE Journals and/or NLM's catalog using multiple search terms before resorting to a Manual request)
- To NLM (routes to NLM regardless of holdings)
- NLM should be considered the "library of last resort" and selected only if other routing options have been exhausted